
Properties :
   [ Property (; Property)* ]

Property :
   NAMED_IDENT = PropertyValue

PropertyValue :
   | IDENT
   | RawString

RawString :

Property values


Boolean properties represent true or false for certain properties. A true value can be represented as the following:

1, true, enabled, on, "true", "enabled", "on"

A false value can be represented like this:

0, false, disabled, off, "false", "disabled", "off"

NOTE: Cannot be represented by a raw string. NOTE: In case of boolean values, parsing of identifiers and strings is case-insensitive.


Number values accept positive integers and floats. They cannot be expressed by idents or strings. Used for weights.


Style properties tell Geo-AID how to display a given line or a circle. Available options are: SOLID, DASHED, BOLD, and DOTTED. They can be represented using identifiers or non-raw strings. When parsed, case is ignored.


MathString properties usually represent label contents. MathStrings are used to write normal text while also allowing lower indices and a restricted set of mathematical characters, like greek letters.



If the identifier is a single character or a character code representing a letter (character codes explained below), a number of primes (also explained below), and a _ followed by digits, it can be parsed as a MathString containing only that character.



Raw strings

Raw strings are parsed as a set of ASCII characters without any additional processing. Useful for injecting LaTeX into point labels, should it be necessary.


!"Hello, World!"
!"_{}}}Everything is literal}"


Strings are parsed like raw strings with a few important exceptions:

  • Single quotes (') are parsed as primes;
  • Everything directly after a _, until, but not including, a space, is parsed as being in lower index;
  • Lower index cannot be used inside a lower index;
  • Longer text with spaces can be put inside a lower index if delimited by braces ({});
  • Text inside brackets ([]) is parsed as a character code and outputs a special character with that code;
  • \\ before a character inserts that character regardless of the above rules (it does not, however, enable using " in a string. You can use [quote] for that purpose).


"C'_{Hello, World!}"
"[Alpha] [quote]label [alpha][quote]"

Character codes

Character codes are used to represent special characters. Currently, Geo-AID only supports greek letters - in form of the names of those letters, where the case of the first letter decides the case of the output letter - and quotes ("), written as qoute.


Primes, in MathStrings, are ticks often seen beside points. They are often used to represent a point after certain transformations, like symmetry or rotation (looks like A'). In MathStrings, all non-escaped (\\) single quotes (') are treated as those.


LineType describes whether a line should be displayed as a continuous line, a ray or a segment. This property is allowed in a few functions. Possible values are: LINE, RAY, SEGMENT. The default depends on the context.