Getting started


Before you start using Geo-AID, you'll need to install it. Unfortunately, it does not come in the form of precompiled binaries, and you'll need some other tools to build it. First, install Rust and Cargo. Once you're done, there are two ways of setting up Geo-AID:

The first way is to simply use the cargo install method:

cargo install geo-aid

This has the advantage of installing Geo-AID globally, so that you can run it from anywhere. It will take care of all dependencies for you. Building may take some time, but once it's done, it's done for good (unless you'll want to update it).

The second way is to clone/download the GitHub repository ( remember to get the last vX.X version) and build Geo-AID yourself. In this, case, you will also need the geo_aid_derive source. To download the repos, you'll need to download the .zip file and unpack it somewhere. If you want to clone it (recommended), you'll need git. The clone way is shown below

mkdir geo-aid
cd geo-aid
git clone
git clone
cd Geo-AID
git checkout v0.2

It's important that if you compile from source, you should preserve this file structure:

| some_folder:
    | geo-aid
    | geo_aid_derive

Then, either build it with cargo build --release and use the produced executable or run it with cargo run --release -- <geo-aid arguments here>.

Run the program with the --version flag to check if it works properly. You can also run geo-aid --help (replace geo-aid with cargo run --release -- if using the second way) if you want to see how to use the tool CLI (you can also check the CLI reference).

The rest of this book will assume you have the command globally available (as if it was installed).

Your first figure

In order to use Geo-AID, we have to tell it exactly what we want. We can do this with a script file. Geo-AID uses a special language called GeoScript that lets us give specific instructions. Create the following file with a name of your choice, say figure.geo:

let A = Point();
let B = Point();
let C = Point();

AB = AC;
AB = BC;

and run it with the following command:

geo-aid figure.geo figure.svg

After a short wait a new file figure.svg should show up. Open it in any SVG previewer (could even be your browser) and gaze at your first figure in awe:

An equilateral triangle ABC

Ok, but what exactly happened here? Let's take a closer look at the script we've just given to Geo-AID:

First, we have the three let statements. These statements are used to create variables. In our case, these variables are points created with the Point() function. You can also add special display properties to the variable definitions to change how they are rendered. For example, if you change the first line to the following:

let A [label = G] = Point();

you should get something like this:

An equilateral triangle BCG

You can find out more about the display system here.

After the variable definitions, we have the two lines:

AB = AC;
AB = BC;

These are called rule statements. They represent a relationship between the left hand side and the right hand side. In this case, the relationship is the equality of lengths AB, BC and AC. It's worth noting that the equality sign represents a rule, not a definition or a redefinition. GeoScript is a description language, not a programming one.

Geo-AID takes these requirements and attempts to create a figure that meets them.

let statements and rules can be sometimes combined by adding rules after the left hand side of a let statement. For example:

# This is a comment
let A = Point();
let B = Point();
let C = Point();
let r = dst(BC) < AB;

let omega = Circle(A, r);

Here, r is set to the distance BC and said to be smaller than AB.


Geo-AID mostly operates on expressions. They are variable definitions and both sides of rules. Expressions can be mathematical operations, function calls, lines, distances and literals. All expressions produce values of certain types. These can be divided into the following categories:

  • primitives
  • point collections
  • bundle types

Primitives are points, lines, circles and scalars. They're what the generator operates on and what everything is ultimately compiled into. Everything else is just an abstraction over these primitives. Additionally, scalars can have units. Performing addition or subtraction on scalars with incompatible units is an error.

Point collections are sequences of point letters, like AB, ABC, GFED, X, A'V. For a name to be collectable, it has to be a single, uppercase letter with an arbitrary number of ticks (') following it, that represents a point. Point collections can also be constructed using &(...) syntax. You can use them on the left-hand side of let statements to unpack the rhs expression onto a point collection. Note, however, that not all types have that option.

let ABC = &(intersection(XY, GH), mid(G, H), intersection(TU, KL));

Bundle types are essentially like structs in programming languages. They have their primitive fields and functions defined on them that can be used for more comfortable workflow.

Implicit conversions

Geo-AID is capable of performing some implicit conversions:

  • Unknown-unit scalars (usually literals) can be converted into a scalar with a distance unit.
  • A point collection consisting of two points can be converted into a line or the distance between the two points, depending on the context.
  • A point collection of length one is always automatically converted into a point.
  • When performing multiplication/division over a scalar with a unit and a scalar with an unknown unit, the latter is automatically converted into a unitless scalar (standard scalar in mathematics).
  • Any variable defined with an unknown-unit scalar is assumed to be unit-less.

Shortening the code with iterators

Many figures feature multiple points and defining each one with a separate let statement can feel very verbose. To help that, GeoScript has a powerful iterator system. Iterators can be used in let statements and rules on both sides. A sequence of expressions separated by a comma is called an implicit iterator. Using these, we can collapse multiple lines of a script into a single one. For example, our first figure script becomes the following:

let A, B, C = Point();

AB = AC, BC;

Iterators are expanded into multiple rules/statement by simply iterating over the given sequence. Note that implicit iterators take precedence over binary arithmetic operators. Here's a few examples:

AB, BC = CD, EF;

# Becomes
AB = CD;
BC = EF;
AB < XY + YZ, OI;

# Becomes.
AB < XY + YZ;
AB < XY + OI;


AB < (XY + YZ), OI;

# Becomes

AB < XY + YZ;
AB < OI;

To use implicit iterators inside a function call, simply put parentheses around them: intersection(AB, (KL, XY))

Another type of iterator is an explicit iterator. These are written in the following way:

AB = $1(AC, BC);

The above example is equivalent to just writing

AB = AC, BC;

The number after the dollar sign is the id of the iterator. If you're using a single id, they function just like implicit iterators. However, when using multiple different ids, you can get some interesting results:

$1(AB, CD) < $2(XY, YZ);

# Becomes
AB < XY;
CD < XY;
AB < YZ;
CD < YZ;

Explicit iterators can also be nested, allowing for even more complicated rules. For example:

$1(AB, BC) > $1(x, $2(a, b)), $3(9, 4, 3);

# Becomes
AB > x;
BC > a;
BC > b;
AB > 9;
AB > 4;
AB > 3;
BC > 9;
BC > 4;
BC > 3;

There are a few important things to remember about iterators:

  • All implicit iterators have an id of 0;
  • All iterators of the same id must have the same length;
  • The left hand side of let statements only accept implicit iterators;
  • The right hand side of let statements accepts at most one level of iteration;
  • The right hand side of a let statement may only contain iterators, if so does the left side;
  • All iterators must have at least two variants;
  • An iterator with id x must not contain another iterator with id x;
  • Iterator length must not exceed 255;
  • Iterator id must be an integer;

Exact rules regarding the iterators can be found here.