Command-Line Interface of Geo-AID

Command Overview:



  • <INPUT> — The input script file
  • <OUTPUT> — The output target
  • -d, --delta-max-mean <DELTA_MAX_MEAN> — The maximum mean quality delta. Geo-AID will keep doing generation cycles until the average quality delta over the last m cycles gets below d.

    Default value: 0.0001

  • -w, --worker-count <WORKER_COUNT> — The count of threads to use for generation

    Default value: 32

  • -s, --samples - The count of samples to use for generation. Each engine interprets it differently

    Default value: 512

  • -e, --engine - The generation engine to use.

    Default value: glide

    Possible values:

    • glide: The gradient descent engine
    • rage: Random adjustment based engine
  • -m, --mean-count <MEAN_COUNT> — The count of last deltas to include in mean calculation. Geo-AID will keep doing generation cycles until the average quality delta over the last m cycles gets below d.

    Default value: 128

  • -s, --strictness <STRICTNESS> — How strict the generator treats the rules. The higher, the more strict. Can't be zero.

    Default value: 2.0

  • -a, --adjustment-max <ADJUSTMENT_MAX> — Maximal adjustment of an adjustable during generation. Treated differently for different adjustables.

    Default value: 0.5

  • -r, --renderer <RENDERER> — What renderer to use.

    Default value: svg

    Possible values:

    • latex: The LaTeX + tikz renderer
    • svg: The SVG format renderer
    • json: The JSON (machine-readable) format renderer
    • raw: The raw (human-readable) format renderer
  • --width <WIDTH> — Canvas width (treated very differently for LaTeX)

    Default value: 500

  • --height <HEIGHT> — Canvas height (treated very differently for LaTeX)

    Default value: 500

  • -l, --log <LOG> — Where to put the log output. Geo-AID has a logging feature for concise information about the rendering process (quality and time).

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