
ImplicitIterator :
   Expression<false> (, Expression<false>)+

ExplicitIterator :
   $ INTEGER ( Expression<false> (, Expression<false>)* )

Iterators can be used in let statements and rules on both sides. A sequence of expressions separated by a comma is called an implicit iterator. Using these, multiple lines of a script can be collapsed into a single one. For example:

let A, B, C = Point();

AB = AC, BC;

Iterators are expanded into multiple rules/statement by simply iterating over the given sequence. Implicit iterators take precedence over any arithmetic operators. Here's a few examples:

AB, BC = CD, EF;

# Becomes
AB = CD;
BC = EF;
AB < XY + YZ, OI;

# Becomes.
AB < XY + YZ;
AB < XY + OI;


AB < (XY + YZ), OI;

# Becomes

AB < XY + YZ;
AB < OI;

To use implicit iterators inside a function call, simply put parentheses around them: intersection(AB, (KL, XY))

Another type of iterator is an explicit iterator. These are written in the following way:

AB = $1(AC, BC);

The above example is equivalent to just writing

AB = AC, BC;

The number after the dollar sign is the id of the iterator. If only a single id is used, they function just like implicit iterators. However, when using multiple different ids, more complicated results can be achieved:

$1(AB, CD) < $2(XY, YZ);

# Becomes
AB < XY;
CD < XY;
AB < YZ;
CD < YZ;

Explicit iterators can also be nested, allowing for even more complicated rules. For example:

$1(AB, BC) > $1(x, $2(a, b)), $3(9, 4, 3);

# Becomes
AB > x;
BC > a;
BC > b;
AB > 9;
AB > 4;
AB > 3;
BC > 9;
BC > 4;
BC > 3;

Iterators have a few rules. Not obeying them causes compilation errors.

  • All implicit iterators have an id of 0;
  • All iterators of the same id must have the same length;
  • The left hand side of let statements only accept implicit iterators;
  • The right hand side of let statements accepts at most one level of iteration;
  • The right hand side of a let statement may only contain iterators, if so does the left side;
  • All iterators must have at least two variants;
  • An iterator with id x must not contain another iterator with id x;
  • Iterator length must not exceed 255;
  • Iterator id must be an integer;