

  • angle(ABC: 3-P)
  • angle(A: Point, B: Point, C: Point)

Return type: Scalar (angle)

Returns: measurement of the angle ABC

Displays: the angle's arms.

The function accepts additional properties in the form of:

fn main() {
struct Angle {
    display_arms: bool, // Default: true,
    arms_type: LineType, // Default: SEGMENT

display_arms decides whether the arms should be displayed and arms_type decides whether they should be segments, rays or lines. The assumed order for rays is B -> A and B -> C;

  • angle(k: Line, l: Line)

Return type: Scalar (angle)

Returns: measurement of the angle between k and l. Which angle, depends on the order of the lines. For predictable outcome, the point versions are strongly recommended.


  • bisector(AB: 2-P)
  • bisector(A: Point, B: Point)

Return type: Line

Returns: a bisector of the segment AB - a perpendicular line passing through its center.

  • bisector(ABC: 3-P)
  • bisector(A: Point, B: Point, C: Point)

Return type: Line

Returns: a bisector of the angle ABC - a line between lines AB and BC, where each point is in the same distance from both of these lines.

Displays: the angle's arms.

The function accepts additional properties in the form of:

fn main() {
struct Bisector {
    display_arms: bool, // Default: true,
    arms_type: LineType, // Default: SEGMENT

display_arms decides whether the arms should be displayed and arms_type decides whether they should be segments, rays or lines. The assumed order for rays is B -> A and B -> C;

  • angle(k: Line, l: Line)


  • Circle(center: Point, radius: Scalar (distance))
  • circle(radius: Scalar (distance), center: Point)

Return type: Circle

Returns: a circle with the given center and radius.

  • Circle()

Return type: Circle

Returns: a circle with an adjusted (free point) center and an adjusted (free scalar) radius.


  • degrees(value: Scalar (no unit))

Return type: Scalar (angle)

Returns: an angle with the given measurement in degrees. Related: radians


  • dst(AB: 2-P)
  • dst(A: Point, B: Point)

Return type: Scalar (distance)

Returns: the distance between points A and B.

Displays: the segment AB.

The function accepts additional properties in the form of:

fn main() {
struct Dst {
    display_segment: bool, // Default: true,
    style: Style, // Default: SOLID

display_segment decides whether the segment should be displayed and style decides how it should be displayed.

  • dst(P: Point, k: Line)
  • dst(k: Line, P: Point)

Return type: Scalar (distance)

Returns: the distance between point P and line k.

Displays: the segment between P and its perpendicular projection onto k.

The function accepts additional properties in the form of:

fn main() {
struct Dst {
    display_segment: bool, // Default: true,
    style: Style, // Default: DASHED

display_segment decides whether the segment should be displayed and style decides how it should be displayed.

  • dst(value: Scalar (no unit / distance))

Return type: Scalar (angle)

Returns: the value with a distance unit.


  • intersection(k: Line, l: Line)

Return type: Point

Returns: intersection of lines k and l.

Displays: By default doesn't display the point dot. Modifiable with properties.

Note: display_dot property is not currently supported.


Note: The following functions allow any positive numbers of arguments.

  • mid(v_1: Scalar (any unit u), v_2 Scalar (the same unit u), ..., v_n: Scalar (the same unit u))

Return type: Scalar (the same unit u)

Returns: The average value of v_1, v_2, ... v_n.

  • mid(P_1: Point, P_2 Point, ..., P_n: Point)

Return type: Point

Returns: The middle point of P_1, P_2, ... P_n. Special cases: when n=2, the middle of a segment; When n=3, the centroid of a triangle.


  • parallel_through(P: Point, k: Line)
  • parallel_through(k: Line, P: Point)

Return type: Line

Returns: a line parallel to k, passing through P.


  • perpendicular_through(P: Point, k: Line)
  • perpendicular_through(k: Line, P: Point)

Return type: Line

Returns: a line perpendicular to k, passing through P.


  • Point()

Return type: Point

Returns: an adjusted (free) point.


  • radians(value: Scalar (no unit))

Return type: Scalar (angle)

Returns: an angle with the given measurement in radians. Related: degrees


  • Segment(AB: 2-P)
  • Segment(A: Point, B: Point)

Return type: Segment

Returns: the segment AB.

Displays: the segment AB.

The function accepts additional properties in the form of:

fn main() {
struct Segment {
    display_segment: bool, // Default: true,
    style: Style, // Default: SOLID

display_segment decides whether the segment should be displayed and style decides how it should be displayed.