Rule operators


The operators <, <=, >, >= are only allowed between Scalars of the same unit. They are simple comparison operators with their rules evaluated based on the relative difference between the two values.

The operator = (and its negation, !=) is allowed between Scalars of the same unit and Points. Its rule is evaluated based on the absolute distance between the two values.


All uses accept weight property.

  • P: Point lies_on k: Line

Tells Geo-AID that point P lies on (has zero distance) from line k. Note: zero distance rules do not have any impact on the distance variable and decrease figure stability much less than other distance rules.

  • P: Point lies_on k: Segment

Tells Geo-AID that point P lies on (has zero distance) from the line of segment k and between its ends. Note: zero distance rules do not have any impact on the distance variable and decrease figure stability much less than other distance rules.

  • P: Point lies_on omega: Circle

Tells Geo-AID that point P lies on (has zero distance) from circle omega. Note: zero distance rules do not have any impact on the distance variable and decrease figure stability much less than other distance rules.

  • col: 0-P lies_on omega: Circle

Tells Geo-AID that points in the collection col lie on (have zero distance) from circle omega in exactly the given order. Note: zero distance rules do not have any impact on the distance variable and decrease figure stability much less than other distance rules.

Note: When negated, creates rules for the points not to be on the circle. Points that are on the circle, just not in the given order will not satisfy this rule.